Thursday, March 27, 2014

Winter 2014 update!

Winter 2014 update!

With a grant from Chester County, the Rails to Trails project on the Phoenixville-Devault line, AKA the Candy Line, is undergoing a formal feasibility study with help from Campbell Thomas and Co Architects and Planners and Charlestown Township.

This is great news, particularly given Bob Thomas's history of involvement with many trails projects in the region, including the Schuylkill River Trail and the current work to improve the SRT's crossing over the rt 29 bridge between Montclaire and Phoenixville.

This feasibility study will include an inventory of the current status of the line, plan for possible options for a conversion, and determine the feasibility and cost of the various option available.  This is something that SCP Rails to Trails had begun done in part; so all information has been handed over to Campbell Thomas, along with Ray Ott & Associates out of West Chester, PA.  Mr. Ott has already run with the concept, and produced nearly as much planning content in two months as we have up until this point!  It's great to have a professional in the field on hand.

Given that the majority of the line exists in Charlestown township, they have stepped up to lead the effort and host the internal project meetings.  In addition to these internal meetings, outreach efforts to the surrounding townships and public meetings will be held, to maintain full involvement by every effected by the project.  Everyone involved wants to make sure that we're not doing this project merely because we think it is a good idea, but because there is a public interest in providing a safe corridor for commuting and recreation through this effort.

Once the public meetings are scheduled, I will post the information here. In addition, general announcements will be made to the public through the standard methods - if we can get into the quarterly Charlestown township newsletter, we will do so.  Campbell Thomas had a number of good suggestions of how to make sure everyone has a chance to provide input to the plan, and Charlestown Township is also on the case.

The next internal meeting is next week, so look for another update soon.  This spring should be busy!!