Friday, September 4, 2015

Feasability Study approved by Charlestown Board of Supervisors

On Tuesday September 2nd, the Board of Supervisors endorsed the final draft of the Devault Line's rail-to-trail feasibility study.  This plan looked at three possible options for non-motorized traffic through the township, and identified the pros and cons of each.  The Devault Line, previously on this blog called the Candy Line, looked to be the best option of the three, and it was determined that the plan was feasible.  It did not investigate the details of design or estimate costs - that will be in the next step; the Design Plan.

Using this feasibility study, the project will next seek to coordinate with the Borough of Phoenixville and the Green Team (an environmental action group), Schuylkill Township and its trails committee, and East Whiteland township.  With all four municipalities involved, Chester County and the State would be able to work with us to create a final design document, and to start investigating possible funding sources.

The Feasibility Study is available here:

Due to a naming conflict with another Pennsylvania rails to trails project, the Candi Line, this project is now simply being called the Devault Rail Project.  I will keep this blog updated with important news, however official project news will be located on the Charlestown Township website.

Discussions are underway to create a formal 501(c)(3) citizen's action group in Charlestown township to assist with this effort - contact me at if you would like to be involved!