Monday, April 2, 2012

Philadelphia Shows Off Reading Viaduct

The first images of the proposed Reading Viaduct in Philadelphia have hit the web after the design study was commissioned by the Center City District, and they strike more than just a passing resemblance to the High Line in New York City.  An elevated park more than a trail, the proposal would re-green and reuse the existing infrastructure along Callowhill Street between 11th and 12th and curving a quarter mile to the corner of 13th and Noble Streets, providing a safe area for foot traffic in a fairly congested space.  The plans cover what would be phase 1 of a larger project if successful.

BPG to work with PICTA on Phoenix Iron Site; Bluffs Access Paramount

BPG and PICTA are working together to ensure the most effective use of the North-East Bluffs section of the former Phoenix Iron Company's downtown site (aka Parcel Q).  PICTA's primary concern is for the development of a connection trail to the Canal and the Schuylkill river on the far side of the Philadelphia&Reading Rail Line along the eastern border of the site.

Next on the list is the open space on the site regarding French Creek and the bluffs.  Proper spacing of buildings from the majestic rocks, safe access to both the bottom and the top, and questions about how one might reach the top are of issue, and play in directly to the future of the Devault/Candy Line project.

More information will be posted as it is available.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Charlestown Township Open Spaces/Trails Planning Meeting

Charlestown Township's Open Spaces board will be meeting at 7 at the Great Valley Middle School to review the results of the Open Spaces/Trails survey sent out late last year.  This will be a very important part of the Candy Line proposal, as buy-in from residents of Charlestown Township is a critical part of the overall project.

I will update this post with a summary of the outcome of this meeting.

Friday, March 9, 2012

New York's High Line - an Inspiration

New York's High Line Rails to Trails project shows what can be accomplished by a dedicated group.  Once an elevated freight line hauling good to and from the West-side meat markets, it stopped service in 1980.  Between 2001 and 2010, an active push was made to turn the line into an urban greenway, with great success.

The Candy Line does cross through Phoenixville a Borough roughly designated by its population density and its size (smaller than a city), much of the proposed Candy Line runs through rural area of Charlestown township.  The line is not elevated, though there are bridges, including a longer bridge crossing rt 29 and the Pickering near Buckwalter Road.  There are as many similarities as differences.  In either case, an inspiration without question!

A comprehensive image gallery can been seen here:   with more information found at the main page,

BPG and Development on the Phoenix Iron Site

BPG is a development company currently submitting plans to Phoenixville Borough for development of an apartment complex on Parcel Q of the Phoenix Iron site - the northeast corner of the site adjacent to the Devault Train line where the line crosses the Schuylkill river from Montgomery County.  PITCA met with them Wednesday March 7th to discuss the Phoenix Green, a portion of the old master plan for the Phoenix Iron site which kept the area at the base of the bluffs open green space.

Also discussed was BPG's concepts for rainwater control and possible coordination with PICTA and Chester County regarding the Iron Canal as a rainwater catchment basin (further investigation into costs and regulatory issues will determine the feasibility of this option).  BPG was fully in support of providing a trail link from the parcel to the Iron Canal trail under the train bridge on the eastern most corner, a long-standing goal of PICTA's.

While not critical for the Candy Line, this open space would be right at the trailhead, and includes nearly a mile-long loop trail following the edge of the property.  BPG has done an excellent job with their plan, and seemed open to considering options to keep the overall idea of the Green intact as was possible given the requirements for sufficient parking on the site.  As everyone in the Borough knows, parking is a constant issue.

The meeting was quite positive, and PICTA is looking forward to continued discussions about how the development can best benefit the community - existing residents and new ones who move into the planned apartments!

Friday, March 2, 2012

A New Map!

For use with handouts, I've made a new map using's excellent free service.  The project is open source, and takes user data contributions via GPS trace.  If you're familiar with GPS track creation, please consider contributing to the project.

In the meantime, here is the new map, with a few educational points of interest noted:

I'll be at Phoenixville's first Friday events tonight (March 2nd) from 5-7PM handing out flyers with this map.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Charlestown Township Sends out Open Spaces & Trails Questionnaire

Similar to a survey done in the early 90's, and to a survey sent to Phoenixville residents in 2010 regarding the current state of Public Spaces and Bike Trails, Charlestown Township sent out a new Questionnaire asking residents what they would like to see in Passive Open Spaces, Trails, Bike Paths and Parks.  In addition, a copy of the new Township trail maps, designating existing formal trails, Open Spaces, Parks, and Parking Lots available.

As the Township collects the responses, the Open Spaces Commission will make sense of the results, and use this valuable public input to shape the Township's Open Spaces plan for the near future.

With the increased awareness and community involvement from this project, we are looking forward to seeing more and more people out and exploring what the region has to offer!