BPG is a development company currently submitting plans to Phoenixville Borough for development of an apartment complex on Parcel Q of the Phoenix Iron site - the northeast corner of the site adjacent to the Devault Train line where the line crosses the Schuylkill river from Montgomery County. PITCA met with them Wednesday March 7th to discuss the Phoenix Green, a portion of the old master plan for the Phoenix Iron site which kept the area at the base of the bluffs open green space.
Also discussed was BPG's concepts for rainwater control and possible coordination with PICTA and Chester County regarding the Iron Canal as a rainwater catchment basin (further investigation into costs and regulatory issues will determine the feasibility of this option). BPG was fully in support of providing a trail link from the parcel to the Iron Canal trail under the train bridge on the eastern most corner, a long-standing goal of PICTA's.
While not critical for the Candy Line, this open space would be right at the trailhead, and includes nearly a mile-long loop trail following the edge of the property. BPG has done an excellent job with their plan, and seemed open to considering options to keep the overall idea of the Green intact as was possible given the requirements for sufficient parking on the site. As everyone in the Borough knows, parking is a constant issue.
The meeting was quite positive, and PICTA is looking forward to continued discussions about how the development can best benefit the community - existing residents and new ones who move into the planned apartments!
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