Friday, August 30, 2013

Updates on Activity: East Whiteland, Schuylkill, Charlestown and Chester County

This past week, SCP Rails to Trails attended the Schuylkill Township open space meeting as well as the East Whiteland Planning Commission meeting to answer questions on the Candy Line proposal.  In both cases, interest and excitement were high, and hopefully signals participation of volunteers from East Whiteland into the SCP group.  We may need to rename the group SPEC Rails to Trails soon.

Discussion with the East Whiteland Board is still needed, scheduling to be determined.

Charlestown township is voting this coming Tuesday on applying for a county grant to fund a preliminary study of a rails to trails project.  This will fulfill Rails to Trails national's suggestion of getting Official township buy-in along with an independent corridor value assessment, and is a huge step in making a trail that connects the Schuylkill River Trail and the Chester Valley Trail.

The August SCP Rails to Trails meeting was canceled due to scheduling problems, and September looks pretty busy as well.  Depending on the progress that is made in the next couple of months, an early October meeting may be the best option.  I will keep everyone on the email list informed as we get closer.  If you'd like to attend, please email

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